Vagtteam DK, our history
Vagtteam DK, our history
Vagtteam DK's activities today are based on the concept created by Vagtteam in 1999. The current director of Vagtteam DK has been involved in fine tuning this concept since 2002, before taking over the helm in 2008
The quality Vagtteam DK's services and work relationships can to be found in our historical context. Vagtteam DK still works with the same principles as back then, so our slogan remain: "When you expect a difference!".
Today, Vagtteam DK employes 45-50 personnel including administrative staff. Since early 2009 Vagtteam DK has reopened its department for uniformed guards and alarm patrols. We are therefore able to offer all common guard services locally as well as nationwide.