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Shop Surveillance
We currently provide a professional and competent shop surveillance service for a number of retail chains and shopping centres. The term shop surveillance covers a number of highly specialized operations with the purpose of preventing pilferage, carried out by our shop detectives (shop guards). These operations have a great potential to introduce financial savings and with careful planning, they will soon prove themselves as added value for our customers. Not only in terms of the operations themselves, but also the insight and knowledge we generate for the customer.
Our shop detectives are trained in accordance with our own comprehensive inhouse training programme, with a focus on pilferage of any kind. Shoplifters tend to be very inventive, and retailers constantly encounter new forms of shoplifting and theft attempts - by organised gangs, customers and internal staff. Our detailed shop surveillance package includes an excellent opportunity for customers to keep up-to-date with the development in the area of pilferage prevention. Combining shop surveillance with our service guard at exit points and sample purchase concept efficiently highlights sources of pilferage, and an active and targeted effort is then made to minimize them.
Please contact us to arrange an obligation-free meeting. We believe we have the strongest shop surveillance package in Denmark. .